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Jeśli nie chcesz, aby udostępnianie schowka zostało włączone w konsoli Configuration Manager, na komputerze z uruchomionym programem konsoli, ustaw wartość klucza rejestru, klucz HKEYCURRENTUSER firmy Microsoft Współużytkowanie klipu zdalnego sterowania ConfigMgr10 w punkcie 0.Akcja - blokowanie zdalnej klawiatury i myszy Zamknę klawiaturę i mysz w celu uniemożliwienia użytkownikowi zdalnego sterowania komputerem. Pomoc - informacje na temat wyświetlaczy zdalnego sterowania informacje o bieżącej wersji przeglądarki zdalnego. Użytkownicy zdalnego komputera mogą przeglądać więcej informacji na temat sesji zdalnego sterowania kliknij ikonę Zdalne sterowanie menedżera konfiguracji w obszarze powiadomień systemu Windows lub ikonę na pasku sesji zdalnego sterowania. Gdy nie potrzebujesz już sesji zdalnego sterowania, użyj jednej z metod opisanych wcześniej, aby zakończyć sesję zdalnego sterowania. A Real - Światowy sposób na zarządzanie prawdziwymi opcjami. Podsumowanie bieżące. Każdy projekt rozwoju korporacyjnego jest opcją, w tym sensie, że menedżerowie mają do wyboru wybory na przyszłość lub ciągnąc z powrotem Mimo to wiele firm niechętnie stosuje teorię opcji do inicjatyw takich jak RD i ekspansja geograficzna, częściowo dlatego, że te realne opcje są bardzo złożone W tym artykule autorzy przypominają, że złożoność rzeczywistych opcji może zostać złagodzona poprzez zastosowanie modelu dwumianowego. Wiele problemów związanych z analizą opcji rzeczywistych wynika z użycia Model Black-Scholesa-Mertona, który nie jest przystosowany do prawdziwych modeli, modele dwukierunkowe są prostsze w matematyce i można ją tknąć w modelu dwumianowym, dopóki nie odzwierciedli dokładnie Jeśli chcesz, aby Twoja firma rozważyła inwestycję w nową fabrykę Aby skorzystać z modelu dwumianowego, musisz utworzyć drzewo zdarzeń, aby wyznaczyć pełny zakres możliwych wartości dla zakładu w trakcie trwania projektu w przyszłym roku, na koniec fazy projektowania, po ukończeniu Wracamy od wartości po zakończeniu, faktoringu w różnych inwestycjach, w celu określenia wartości projektu dzisiaj Te obliczenia dostarczają numerów wszystkich możliwych przyszłych wartości opcji na różne punkty, w których trzeba podjąć decyzję, czy kontynuować projekt. Autorzy odnoszą się również do innej krytyki prawdziwych opcji, które często pojawiają się między teoretycznymi i zrealizowanymi wariantami opcji wszystkich typów. Te luki mogą w dużej mierze wynikać z wykonywania przez menedżerów opcje w złym czasie Aby poprawić sposób zarządzania realnymi warunkami, firma może zwrócić uwagę na punkty decyzyjne, które odpowiadają węzłom na podstawie dwumianów drzewo decyzyjne Punkty wyzwalania powinny nie tylko wskazywać menedżerom, gdy muszą decydować o ćwiczeniach, ale także określić reguły rządzące decyzjami dotyczącymi ćwiczeń. Rynek ocenia firmę rozwijającą się w dużej mierze przez oszacowanie perspektyw swoich portfeli projektów na rzecz wzrostu Te projekty badań i rozwoju, inwestycji w nowych możliwościach, geograficznej ekspansji i innych inicjatywach rzadko podejmowane są proste decyzje w większości przypadków, inwestycje firmy są wielopoziomowe, a na każdym kroku firma może wyprzedzać lub wycofać się po zdobyciu nowych informacji Te projekty są więc opcjami realnymi możliwościami, w przeciwieństwie do opcji finansowych, w których menedżerowie mają prawo, ale nie obowiązek inwestowania Dlatego właściwe jest, aby menedżerowie zaczęli stosować teorie opcjonalne, aby pomóc im podejmować decyzje o tych projektach Rzeczywiście, badanie 4000 dyrektorów finansowych wydanych w 2001 roku przez Johna Grahama a Campbell Harvey stwierdził, że 27 respondentów twierdziło, że zawsze lub prawie zawsze używało pewnego rodzaju op co najmniej tak wielu klientów, którzy są niezadowoleni z tego narzędzia Również w 2001 r. badanie narzędzi i technik zarządzania przez firmę Bain z 451 kadry kierowniczej, która próbowała prawdziwego że w sumie jedna trzecia z nich zrezygnowała z użycia tego samego roku. Powody tego wysokiego wskaźnika wykluczenia wydają się być tak rozsądne, jak powody użycia narzędzia i są zazwyczaj oparte na podstawach technicznych Jak wielu menedżerów wskazuje, opcje osadzone w decyzjach o zarządzaniu są znacznie bardziej złożone i niejednoznaczne niż opcje finansowe. Ich obawą jest to, że niebezpieczne byłoby spróbowanie zredukować te złożoności do standardowych modeli opcjonalnych, takich jak model Black-Scholes-Merton, który ma tylko pięć lub sześć zmiennych s bardziej, w obliczu upadku technologii high-tech, łatwo jest zrozumieć, dlaczego ludzie mogą być sceptyczni wobec narzędzia wyceny, które prawdopodobnie przesadziły z tymi potencjalnymi potencjalami firmy. Cri tiki mają prawo wskazywać problemy z najbardziej powszechnie stosowanymi metodami opierającymi się na opcjach, aby ocenić wzrost możliwości rozwoju firmy. Jednak trudności techniczne realnych opcji są łatwe do rozwiązania. Istnieją metodyki wyceny skutecznie przechwytywające złożoność i powtarzalny charakter decyzji menedżerskich , a model Black-Scholes-Merton nie jest jedynym, a nawet najbardziej odpowiednim sposobem na wycenienie rzeczywistych opcji Model wyceny, który tutaj prezentujemy jest modelem dwumianowym, tzw. ponieważ w każdym okresie wartość może wzrosnąć do jedna konkretna wartość lub do drugiej Ukrywa nieprzewidywalność rzeczywistych opcji i adresuje prawie wszystkie najczęściej wypowiedziane krytyki dotyczące używania teorii opcjonalnej w celu zarządzania tymi konfliktami. Nie twierdzimy jednak, że po prostu przejście na model dwumianowy sprawi, że wszystko słusznie, w przypadku największego problemu z prawdziwymi wariantami, choć rzadko jest wyrażany, jest bardziej menedżer niż techniczne. Duża różnica pomiędzy teoretycznymi i realizowane wartości projektów wzrostowych firmy mogą wynikać z rozbieżności między sposobem zarządzania wartościami menedżerskimi a sposobem, w jaki zarządzają nimi problem, który przypadkowo dotyczy zarówno opcji rzeczywistych, jak i finansowych. W obliczaniu wartości opcji rzeczywistych większość menedżerów, naukowców , a konsultanci zakładają, że posiadacze opcji będą zawsze podejmować optymalne decyzje dotyczące podejmowania decyzji w odpowiednim czasie, opierając się na racjonalnych analizach wszystkich dostępnych informacji. Jeśli opcja nie podejmuje optymalnych decyzji, opcje stają się znacznie mniej wartościowe. Jeśli kupujesz auto ubezpieczenie, na przykład , ale nie złożysz roszczenia, gdy masz wypadek, będziesz płacił za ubezpieczenie W ten sam sposób, jeśli kupisz opcję połączenia na akcje, które docenia dziko, ale wykonuj ją w niewłaściwym czasie, otrzymasz nadpłatę dla opcji Istnieje długotrwały i mocny dowód wskazujący, że nawet opcje finansowe są wykonywane suboptymalnie Czasami posiadacze są aktywni-szczęśliwi, exercisi Za późno w innym momencie zasnęli przy przełączeniu Jeśli posiadacze opcji finansowych zawsze zachowują się optymalnie, możemy ledwie oczekiwać, że posiadacze znacznie bardziej złożonych prawdziwych opcji będą zachowywać się lepiej. Co mogą zrobić menedżerowie o niebezpieczeństwie, że prawdziwe opcje będą niewłaściwie wykonywane. Mogłyby zrezygnować z rzeczywistych opcji, odrzucić narzędzie, które najlepiej wyłapuje sytuacje w zarządzaniu szansami wzrostu lub mogą dostosować model, zakładając, że ich zachowanie będzie suboptymalne. Dałoby to dokładniejszą wartość opcji, ale kosztem instytucjonalizacji i być może utrwalania gorszej decyzji Nasze preferowanym rozwiązaniem jest zmiana procesów planowania korporacyjnego i budżetowania, aby poprawić terminowość podejmowania decyzji menedżerskich, dobre zarządzanie jest tak samo ważne jak podejmowanie decyzji we właściwym czasie jak podejmowanie trafnych decyzji Zanim przejrzymy kierownicze aspekty rzeczywistych opcji i przedstawimy nasze sugestie jak firmy mogą podejmować decyzje bardziej terminowo, zbadamy kwestie techniczne i przedstawimy naszą preferowaną metodologię wyceny. Wybór właściwego modelu. Kryteria podejść opartych na opcjach w celu wyceny i zarządzania szansami wzrostu wskazują często, że istnieje świat różnic między stosunkowo prostymi wariantami finansowymi a wysoce złożonymi realnymi wariantami Te różnice, jak twierdzą, sprawiają, że praktycznie niemożliwe jest stosowanie modeli opcji finansowych do decyzji w oparciu o opcje rzeczywiste. Mają rację co do różnic, ale niewłaściwie założyć, że są to nie do pokonania modele wyceny można dokładnie uchwycić nawet najbardziej skomplikowane opcje rzeczywiste. Istnieją dwie główne różnice między warunkami finansowymi a prawdziwymi. Po pierwsze, informacje niezbędne do wyceny opcji finansowych i podejmowania decyzji o ich wykonywaniu zazwyczaj są dużo łatwiej dostępne niż w przypadku rzeczywistych opcji Posiadacze opcji na akcjach IBM mogą opierać się ich decyzje dotyczące wykonywania bieżących cen akcji IBM opcja nie w przypadku gdy istnieje aktywny rynek nieruchomości naftowych lub może oszacować wartość rezerwy, patrząc na oczekiwane koszty ekstrakcji i łatwo dostrzegalna cena ropy. Wiele wydarzyło się w świecie wartości opcji od czasu publikacji modelu Black-Scholes-Merton, a zakres opcji, które można dostosować do wyceny, znacznie wzrosła. Ale w większości przypadków wartość aktywów bazowych nie jest tak jasna Na przykład wartość nieprzetworzonego filmu lub nieudokumentowanego leku nie można odczytać z ekranu Bloomberg Czasami można zaobserwować lub odgadnąć wartość porównywalnych aktywów Na przykład może to być możliwe oszacowanie zmieniającej się wartości nowego leku w oparciu o wcześniejsze wyniki innych leków, które traktują tę samą chorobę Niektórzy krytycy narzędzia typu real-options uważają, że takie założenia stwarzają opti że modele wyceny opartej na modelu są bezużyteczne. Modele wyceny nie są same w wymaganiu założeń, jednakże analiza wartości bieżącej wartości netto w odniesieniu do oczekiwanych przepływów pieniężnych jest główną alternatywą dla analizy opcji rzeczywistych i metody, którą większość firm używa do wyceny projektów inwestycyjnych wymaga uproszczenia założeń, są co najmniej tak heroiczne, jak w obliczeniach opartych na opcjach Przykładowo, osoby stosujące modele wyceny cash-flow domyślnie zakładają, że wszystkie przyszłe inwestycje są wstępnie powiedziane, że firma zdecydowała się na te inwestycje. Oczywiście , nigdy nie ma takiego powodu Firmy zawsze mogą zdecydować się nie inwestować w projekt. Ponadto powszechna technika wykorzystywania średniego ważonego kosztu kapitału WACC w celu złagodzenia tych przepływów pieniężnych zakłada, że firmy dostosowują poziom zadłużenia do utrzymania relatywnie stałej wartości rynkowej współczynnik dźwigni, choć firmy nie robią tego naprawdę Z pewnością nie mniej akceptowalne jest wykształcenie założeń dotyczących wartości prawda jest taka, że wszystkie modele są uproszczonymi przedstawieniami rzeczywistości, a wszystkie one zawierają założenia. Druga ważna różnica między prawdziwymi a finansowymi wariantami dotyczy jasności wariantów opcji. Prawo do wykonywania opcji finansowych jest jednoznaczne. posiadacz specjalnej opcji finansowej na IBM może mieć prawo do zakupu 100 sztuk po ustalonej cenie, powiedz 85 w dowolnym momencie przed określonym terminem zapadalności. Często jednak jest niejasne, co posiadacz realnej opcji ma prawo do zakupu lub w jaki sposób długie, że prawo będzie trwać Wiele prawdziwych opcji jest sekwencyjne, a związek wykonujący odkrycia, a nie podstawowy składnik aktywów, ale inna opcja Decyzja firmy farmaceutycznej o inwestowaniu w fazie trzeciego testowania nowego leku zależy na wynikach wcześniejszych testów Rzeczywiście , cecha ta jest charakterystyczna dla większości RD i projektów rozwoju produktów, w których firmy dokonują dodatkowych inwestycji w krytycznych punktach Nawet jeśli jest stosunkowo c czy substancja bazowa jest nową fabryką, na przykład dojrzałość opcji może być nieokreślona Czy możliwość poszerzenia działalności na nowo lub do czasu, gdy konkurent odstąpi od możliwości, powiększając pierwszy I mając na uwadze, że właściciel opcji finansowej zwykle ma wyłączne prawa do tych 100 udziałów w IBM, mówią, że to samo może nie prawda Twoja prawdziwa opcja Twoja firma może mieć możliwość budowy fabryki w Brazylii, ale tak wiele innych. Wiele problemów z analizą opcji rzeczywistych wynika z wykorzystanie modelu wyceny wymagającego większej prostoty i przejrzystości niż w świecie rzeczywistych opcji Elegancki, nagradzany przez Nobla model Black-Scholes-Merton, opublikowany w 1973 r., miał na celu ocenę opcji, która była wykonalna dopiero pod koniec jego życie i którego podstawowa część nie płaciła dywidend Była przełomem w ekonomii, ponieważ stanowiła pierwszą pełną formułę ustalania cen tak zwanych opcji w stylu europejskim. Ale nigdy nie było to przeznaczone use with more complicated derivatives, such as compound options, and attempts to use it for real-option valuation are misguided and inappropriate Fortunately, a lot has happened in the world of option value since the publication of the Black-Scholes-Merton model, much of it inspired by those researchers groundbreaking insights, and the range of options that are amenable to valuation has greatly expanded In particular, work by John Cox, Steve Ross, and Mark Rubinstein has led to the creation of binomial, or lattice, models that are built around decision trees and are ideally suited to real-option valuation. What distinguishes binomial models is that they use algebra That s a practical advantage over the calculus-based Black-Scholes-Merton model, because it means binomial models can be built using standard spreadsheet software The math, in other words, is much less formidable, although there may be more of it Binomial models can also be more easily customized to reflect changing volatili ty, early decision points, and multiple decisions Their relative transparency and flexibility mean that you can tinker with a binomial model you ve created until it closely reflects the project you wish to value It is true that building a customized binomial model for each real option involves more work than plugging numbers into a Black-Scholes-Merton box, but most managers evaluating major projects using NPV analysis prefer to create their own spreadsheets anyway rather than rely on generic models Another advantage is that because the models are more transparent and can be spreadsheet based, even managers whose math skills are long forgotten can understand and thus provide insight into the assumptions Instead of having to make guesses about the volatility of a project s returns, for example, managers can think about the probability that a company s revenues will rise or fall by a particular percentage. The Binomial Model in Action. Let s illustrate how the binomial model works Suppose that a commodity chemical company we ll call it Copano is considering investing in a new plant The project will cost 60 million immediately for permits and preparation, which will take a year At the end of that year, the firm could invest 400 million to complete the design phase Managers believe that once the design phase is over, the firm has a two-year window during which it can invest the 800 million needed to build the plant Since the project involves a phased investment, it can be treated as a compound option A 60 million investment creates the right to invest 400 million in one year, and exercise of that choice creates the right to invest 800 million to purchase a new asset, namely the plant. Using the binomial model to value this investment project as a compound option is a two-step process First, you must figure out the full range of possible values for the underlying asset in this case, the plant during the project s lifetime This involves estimating what the asset s value woul d be if it existed today and forecasting to see the full set of possible future values of the plant Once you know that, you work back from the plant s value at completion, factoring in the various later investments, to determine the value of the plant-development project today These second-step calculations provide you with numbers for all the possible future values of the option at the various points where a decision is needed on whether to continue with the project. Modeling the Value of the Underlying Asset. Modeling the asset s value involves drawing what we call an event tree, which shows the possible future values of the plant under plausible market scenarios The first step in drawing a tree for Copano is estimating what the value of the plant would be if it existed today, a figure that may be derived from traditional nonoption valuation techniques, such as discounted cash flow The second step is estimating how much this value is likely to move up or down during the period in quest ion If we assume that the distribution of possible plant values is fairly standard what statisticians refer to as lognormal , the factor to apply for an up movement is given by the formula e to the power of sigma multiplied by the square root of the time elapsed , where e is the base of the natural logarithm 2 718 , sigma is the volatility of the asset the likely change in the plant s value , and the time, t is measured in years The factor for a down movement is the inverse of the up factor that is, 1 et Other formulas can be used in cases where the distribution of the possible underlying asset values is not lognormal. The challenge, clearly, is to calculate sigma How do you estimate the volatility of a chemical plant s value The answer is to look at the plant s value drivers For a commodity chemical company like Copano, plant value is often driven by changes in a single key variable, such as the spread between the price of the output commodity chemical polyethylene terephthalic acid, o r PTA, for example and the cost of a key input commodity chemical p-xylene, say The volatility of such a spread can be easily estimated By looking at how this volatility feeds into the plant value, which you can do by performing sensitivity analyses on the original discounted-cash-flow model of the plant value today, you can estimate the volatility of the plant s value. In this instance, we estimate that if the plant existed today, its value would be 1 billion without optionality , and the sigma, or volatility, of the value is 18 23 This means that about two-thirds of the time over the course of the next year, the value would be expected to go up or down by less than 18 23 one standard deviation, or sigma and that about 95 of the time, its value would go up or down by less than 36 46 twice 18 23 , or two standard deviations With a sigma of 18 23 , the up and down factors are 1 20 and 0 833, respectively In a year, therefore, the plant will be worth either 1 2 billion or 833 million If t he plant s value goes up to 1 2 billion, then the potential year-two values are 1 44 billion and 1 billion If the plant s value falls to 833 million, the year-two potential values are 1 billion and 694 million The potential plant values at the end of the third year range from 1 728 billion to 579 million, as shown in the exhibit Copano s Event Tree Mapped out on the tree, these numbers show how much the plant could be worth at each stage of the project s life The tree shows you something else, too At every point where the tree branches, there is a chance to make a go no-go decision on whether to build the plant The next step is to put a value on each of those intermediate real options, as well as on the total compound option of which they are a part, so that you will know whether to hold on to the option or abandon it If the event tree looks a little crude, don t worry You can easily make it more complicated by, for example, breaking it down into smaller time periods, thereby capturing more of the intermediate values. From Events. At each decision point in the life of a new chemical plant, Copano s managers need to know what action to take Should they commit to investing the full amount needed Keep the project alive by spending a lesser amount Or simply pull the plug. So they create a decision tree which shows how the project s value can change over time and lets them decide what action will be best at points along the way. To build that decision tree, they calculate how much the plant would be worth if it existed today and what its value could be at points in the future That involves creating another type of tree, called an event tree It reflects how the plant s likely values are determined by fluctuations in the spread between the prices of the input and output chemicals The calculation of the plant s likely values takes into account the volatility of the spread see the text of the main article for details. We ll assume that if it existed today, the plant would be wort h 1 billion and that a widening of the price spread would increase plant value by a factor of 1 20 and a narrowing of the spread would decrease the value by a factor of 0 833 The values the plant could have a year hence, two years hence, and three years hence are as shown. to Decisions. Copano s managers use the values from the event tree to begin their calculation of the values on the decision tree We ve put a check mark on the choices that would realize the project s maximum value. Copano s Decision Tree. How did Copano s managers derive the numbers on the decision tree They worked backward from the end of year three, using the values from the event tree, and they relied on the replicating portfolio technique, which is explained in the sidebar with that title See steps 1 through 4 above the decision tree. The figures in black boxes are derived using the replicating portfolio technique. Valuing Your Options. To calculate the possible values of the project as an option at each stage in the decision tree, you have to begin from the end, the point furthest in the future If you abandon the project, its value is zero Otherwise, the value at the end of year three is the difference between the value of the plant at the end of year three and the cost of building it I f the plant s value at the end of year three is 1 728 billion, then the project s incremental value at that point is 1 728 billion minus the remaining cost of 800 million needed to build the plant, or 928 million But if the value of the completed plant turns out to be 579 million that is, less than the construction cost the project s incremental value is zero, because you would not invest the 800 million to build the plant Looking down the right hand side of the exhibit Copano s Decision Tree, we see three potential scenarios in which the project s incremental value at the end of year three is positive and one in which the costs of the project exceed the plant s value, so the project value is zero. We now work back from the end of year three to determine the project s potential values at the end of year two In each scenario, the value will be the larger of the value of exercising the option by building the plant at that point for a cost of 800 million and the value of keeping the option alive deferring the decision on whether to spend the 800 million on building the plant until the next period If the plant is to be built at the end of year two and its value turns out to be 1 44 billion the highest of the potential values at that period as shown on the event tree , then the value of the project if the firm chooses to build immediately is 1 44 billion less the 800 million exercise cost, or 640 million If it decides to defer building the plant, however, the company still has a valuable option To calculate the value of that option, we in principle discount the average of the two payoffs the plant could have at the end of year three if it is worth 1 44 billion at the end of year two, then it will be worth 1 728 billion or 1 2 billion at the end of year three, as shown on the event tree Unfortunately, we cannot determine, a priori, what that discount rate should be, because the risk of the option on the project is different from the risk of the project itself Instead, we h ave to employ a different approach one that involves identifying a portfolio that exactly replicates the two payoffs to the option see the sidebar The Replicating Portfolio Technique Using this technique, we can determine that the value of keeping the option alive is 699 million In this case, that number is greater than the value of exercising the option by building the plant The right choice for managers, therefore, is to defer building and to keep the option alive that choice gives them a project value of 699 million Note that in this simplified model, the numbers show that delaying exercise of the option until maturity is always optimal In more complex situations, early exercise may sometimes be better, and the model would bring that out very clearly. The Replicating Portfolio Technique. As MBA graduates may remember from their finance courses, any option on a share can be expressed as a portfolio consisting of a certain number of shares and a certain number of bonds For instance, a c all option more or less amounts to the same thing as selling a number of risk-free par-value bonds and buying shares with the proceeds To see how the technique applies here, let s assume we are trying to estimate the value of the option at the end of year two under a scenario in which the plant has a current value of 1 44 billion the highest-value end-of-year-two scenario. An option that is kept alive will have two possible payoffs 928 million or 400 million This means that a certain proportion of plant value the equivalent of equity less a certain amount of bonds with interest we ll assume a risk-free rate of 8 will also produce either 928 million or 400 million after a year, depending on whether the plant is worth 1 728 billion or 1 2 billion at the end of the year Mathematically, we could express this as two formulae m 1,728 1 08 B 928 and m 1,200 1 08 B 400, where m is the proportion of plant value and B is the number of par-value million-dollar bonds We have, of course, two unknown s the proportion of plant value and the number of bonds in the portfolio but since we also have two equations, we can solve for both unknowns In this case, the replicating portfolio for an option in the top node in year two calls for one plant worth 1 44 billion and minus 741 par-value million-dollar bonds Thus the option is worth 699 million. What about at the end of the first year, when the company must decide whether to spend 400 million on the design phase At that point, the project s incremental value is the value of the right to invest 800 million in building the plant over the following two years less the 400 million the firm must invest in order to have that option but if the result of that subtraction is negative, the project s value is zero To determine the value of that right to invest, we simply work backward from the possible values at the end of year two that we have already calculated using the replicating portfolio technique, just as we worked back from year three to get the potential values at the end of year two In one case, a case that matches the scenario on the event tree in which the underlying asset is worth 1 2 billion, we find that the value of having the right to invest is 514 million Since the cost of acquiring that option is 400 million, the rational course is to invest in design, giving us a project value of 114 million In the event that the plant value falls by the end of year two to 833 million, the calculation shows that the value of the right to build the plant is only 168 million, which is less than the cost to buy that right, so the company would rationally not invest and would abandon the plant project as having zero value. The final step is calculating the value of the compound option at the beginning of the first year in other words, the project s current value in order to determine whether it merits the up-front investment This value is determined by the two payoffs of either zero or 114 million Working back from these using the replicating portfolio technique, we find that the right to invest 400 million in a year s time is worth 71 million, 11 million more than the 60 million cost of permits and preparation This contrasts with the net present value of minus 9 million, which a conventional NPV analysis would give 1 billion less the present value of the three capital outlays, which come to 1 009 billion if we assume a discount rate of 10 83 for the industry. Obviously, to build the tree, managers must make some fairly bold assumptions about the value of the plant today supposing it were immediately operational and how that value might change over time But we would argue that savvy managers should be thinking not only about today s value the average of all future values but also the range of future outcomes Using our real-option model would force them to do this, and by looking at how the values of their previous chemical plants and those of competitors have evolved in the past, they can construct plausible scen arios for those different possible futures. The Problem of Poor Exercise. Using the right valuation model will make real-options-based management work a lot better But it doesn t, we regret, go to the heart of the problem many managers have with real options Managers suspect that the options approach routinely overvalues a company s growth opportunities These critics are correct to suspect that some kind of valuation error is occurring, but we believe that they are wrong in ascribing the problem to the options approach itself In our opinion, the real reason that real options sometimes turn out to be less valuable than predicted by models is that managers don t exercise their option rights in a timely and rational manner. This is not by any means a new problem, and it is one that financial-option holders suffer from, too American-style call options give holders the right to buy the stock at any time through the maturity date, and sometimes it is best to exercise an option early rather than sell it to someone else For instance, before the 1920s, options were not split protected, so if a company split its stock two for one, cutting its stock price in half, holders of call options could have been wiped out in a day Early financial magazines carried articles advising investors to be alert to impending splits While current-day options are protected against stock splits the exercise prices and number of options are adjusted in response to splits investors still have to vigilantly keep track of stock dividends, because most options are not dividend protected Their exercise prices are not adjusted downward when the stock goes ex dividend It is therefore sometimes best to exercise call options just before the stock loses its right to the dividend. Recent research shows that individual holders of traded options sometimes exercise their options far too early A study by Allen M Poteshman and Vitaly Serbin of outstanding call options on the Chicago Board of Exchange found that broker age customers exercise 2 to 3 of outstanding calls too early A 1999 study by Chip Heath, Steven Huddart, and Mark Lang revealed that corporate officers who hold executive stock options also have a tendency to exercise their options too early if there has been a recent run-up in the stock price Professional investors are much savvier the former study showed that proprietary traders never exercise early. If investors in traded options suffer from an itchy trigger finger, holders of nontraded financial options may suffer the opposite problem to mix our metaphors, they fall asleep at the switch If you hold a fixed-rate mortgage and you have the option to refinance, it is possible to work out the exact amount of interest-rate decline that should cause you to exercise your option to refinance But some evidence suggests that home owners routinely exercise that option too late, even if they know that the arithmetic works out in favor of refinancing Corporate financial officers may have the same problem in managing their companies debt portfolios Many corporate bonds are callable, so that the company has the flexibility to refinance at a lower rate Some research suggests that CFOs occasionally exercise those options too late, although this is a debated issue. Falling asleep seems to be a particular problem for the issuers of nontraded options, who either forget them or are simply unaware that they have issued them The insurance industry provides a particularly egregious example During the 1960s, a standard clause in whole life contracts allowed policy owners to borrow against the cash value of the insurance contract at a fixed interest rate 9 , say for the life of the policy In 1969, when he was 23, one of the authors of this article purchased one of these policies, which had an expected life in excess of 60 years Although interest rates were quite low in 1969, by 1981 it was possible to invest in government debt, risk free, at over 20 It was also possible to borrow from the i nsurance company at 9 and buy government bonds a risk-free, self-financing arbitrage, constrained only by the cash value of the policy As millions of customers woke up to the value of exercising their option to borrow, the insurance companies began to lose money, and several went bankrupt. The question of whether companies exercise their real options optimally has been much less comprehensively researched Much of the relevant academic work has taken place in the context of the mining industry, where mine openings and closings can be modeled as options as indeed they sometimes are by firms in the industry One study by Alberto Moel and Peter Tufano shows that profitable firms were slower than less profitable companies to close similar mines This suggests that exercise policy in corporate settings might not be as optimal as one might expect if the companies were routinely exercising optimally, there would be no differences among them in the timing of closures All in all, considering that e xecutives may mismanage certain financial options they create or hold, it seems unlikely that managers will always exercise their real options in a timely and rational manner. The costs of mismanaging an option vary, depending on the volatility of the underlying asset, but they can be substantial, as illustrated in the exhibit The Cost of Falling Asleep The exhibit takes the value of an American-style put option one that can be exercised early when it is optimally exercised and compares it to the value of such an option in a situation where the investor wakes up late and only begins to consider exercising at some point beyond the optimal moment As the chart shows, suboptimal exercise by the sleepy investor can destroy much of an option s value The exhibit The Cost of an Itchy Trigger Finger shows the difference between the value of an American-style call option held by a careful investor and the value of one held by an investor who chooses to exercise his options in an ad hoc manner, wh enever the stock price is some percentage above the exercise price For high levels of share price volatility, the itchy owner squanders as much as 91 of the option s value A number of high-tech companies, whose stock-options values depended largely on their perceived growth opportunities, experienced share price declines of these magnitudes. The Cost of Falling Asleep. The biggest problem with real options is that managers don t always exercise them at the right time This graph shows the extent to which value is destroyed when option holders are asleep at the switch and how the volatility of the underlying asset affects that value destruction. For simplicity, the exhibit models not a real option but a stock option a put option with a year to maturity The underlying asset, the stock, has a value of 100, and the at-the-money option has an exercise price of 100 It is often optimal to exercise a put option early, so the slower an option holder is to wake up and make decisions, the greater the gap between the value he realizes and the value realized by a very alert option holder who had been making decisions throughout the year The four sets of bars represent four hypothetical option holders, ranging from fairly alert on the left to very sleepy on the right The shaded bars represent the value gap for an option on a stock whose price volatility is 20 the unshaded bars represent the gap for an option on a stock with much higher volatility 80 , for illustration As you can see, the members of the late risers club, at the far right, destroy 48 or 64 of the option s value depending on the volatility relative to the very alert holder. The Cost of an Itchy Trigger Finger. This graph shows what happens when option holders are too quick to pull the trigger and cash in For simplicity, it models the value of a call option with a year to maturity, where the underlying asset has a value of 100 and the at-the-money option has an exercise price of 100 The underlying stock does not pay divid ends, so early exercise is not optimal The itchier the option holder s trigger finger as evidenced by her willingness to exercise early the greater the gap between that holder s realized value and the value captured by an option holder who has the patience to extract the maximum value from the option The seven sets of bars represent seven hypothetical option holders, ranging from fairly patient on the left to very itchy on the right The option holder at the extreme left is assumed to apply a rule that leads to exercise the first time the market price of the option is 140 above the exercise price the itchiest holder exercises as soon as the option is only 20 in the money The shaded bars represent the value gap for an option on a stock whose price volatility is 20 the unshaded bars represent the gap for an option on a stock with much higher volatility 80 For highly volatile underlying assets, 91 of the value of the option could be destroyed by early exercise. Managing Binomially. So what can a company do to improve the way it manages its real options We believe the solution to the suboptimal exercise problem is to make the company s planning and budgeting reflect the decision trees that managers would construct in using the binomial model to value their projects In practice, this means explicitly looking out for the decision trigger points that correspond to the nodes on a binomial decision tree If companies are to duck the exercise decisions they must make to maximize option value, this should at least be the result of a conscious choice. To be useful, the trigger points should not only tell managers when they need to decide on exercise, they should also specify rules governing the exercise decisions In other words, they should set what academics would call optimal exercise boundaries for an option, like the instructions you might give your broker about exercising your stock options if you re planning to be away on vacation and out of touch In the case of the Copano pr oject, for example, the timing of exercise decisions was determined by discrete events the completion of the first two phases of the project The rule for what decision to make, however, was determined by the spread between the two commodity-chemicals prices that drove the new plant s value Similarly, Jane McCarthy and Peter Monkhouse of BHP Billiton have written about that company s approach to finding the critical price envelope that determines when various mines should be opened or closed In other cases, however, a company might find that exercise timing is determined by the passage of a particular time period or by a discrete event such as whether or not a competitor has come out with a new product. Having identified the triggers for option exercise, companies need to clearly designate who has responsibility for the exercising Decisions don t materialize on their own people make them So it is important for companies to identify clearly and in advance who will have responsibility for acting on the trigger For some kinds of real options, companies already do this Shell, for example, doesn t have a head of mergers and acquisitions, it has a head of divestitures and acquisitions D A The title signals that the person is responsible for the option of divesting as well as acquiring businesses. Once the managers responsible for the exercise decisions have been assigned, the company needs to make sure those people are properly motivated Although the decision to exercise an option can be visible and exciting ground-breaking ceremonies, banners, press releases , some of the best option-exercise decisions aren t flashy They are decisions like shutting down unprofitable operations or waiting until conditions improve They can create massive amounts of value, but they don t lend themselves to stories in the company newsletter Companies need to find ways to reward the people who make these decisions, using means such as combinations of compensation, increased responsibility, and p ublic acknowledgement. As is the case with any managerial process, companies need to develop ways to track exercise-decision performance One large South American conglomerate we know of measures its exercise performance by tracking the time lag between the resolution of uncertainty for example, when the price of a particular commodity hits a trigger point for opening or closing a mine and an appropriate action by the company For this kind of analysis to be helpful, however, the trigger points must be unambiguously specified in advance otherwise, it would be too easy to reinterpret the triggers to favor decisions that have already been made. Obviously, triggers should not be precise dates or numbers but rather ranges around which there can be some flexibility and debate Anyone proposing that an option be exercised before the relevant trigger flips would need to present a compelling case Similarly, anyone suggesting that the company hold on to an option that the trigger rules say should be exercised would have to show how the basic assumptions underlying the project s valuation had changed In a sense, therefore, the trigger points are like the warning lights on an aircraft s control panel to be ignored only if the pilot really knows better. In some cases, companies may find it useful to share their trigger points with investors and analysts, as the information will enable these stakeholders to assess the quality of the company s decision making Of course, that benefit must be weighed against the risk that the information will also prove enlightening to competitors But in most cases, companies can find a compromise solution that reveals the quality of their processes without divulging strategically sensitive performance goals Commercial banks, for example, in communicating their asset liability management ALM policies, explain the general approach they take to hedge their risk, but not extraordinary details about their strategies. We believe that the solution to the real-o ptions problem is twofold First, many companies will find real options much more user-friendly if they move away from the Black-Scholes-Merton model essentially a cookie-cutter approach to option valuation and invest the time to build their own binomial spreadsheets Second, managers who employ flexibility as a strategy must improve their reaction times by modifying their planning and budgeting systems, they must develop their ability to monitor the conditions for exercise defined in their models This is particularly urgent as companies grow, because experience suggests that managers instinctive nimbleness and alertness diminish as their decisions grow in scale and impact The pilot of a 747 relies a lot more on instruments than does the pilot of a twin-engine Cessna. A version of this article appeared in the March 2004 issue of Harvard Business Review. Tom Copeland is the managing director of corporate finance at the Monitor Group, a consulting firm based in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and is the author, with V Antikarov, of Real Options A Practitioner s Guide Thomson, 2003.Peter Tufano is the Peter Moores Dean at the University of Oxford s Sa d Business School He serves on the FDIC s Committee on Economic Inclusion, and is the co-founder of Doorways to Dreams Fund a nonprofit that seeks to find innovative financial services to serve low to moderate income families. This article is about FINANCIAL ANALYSIS. The Binary Options Blacklist Trader Driven Reviews Ratings. Helping you avoid the scam brokers and find the legit ones is why we created the trader driven Binary Options Blacklist We welcome you to our virtually no holds barred ratings, comments and broker reviews website. Binary Option Scams, Ripoffs, Bad Trading Sites. 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